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Writing between the lines - An Introduction


I've had this website in the works for a good couple of years now, slowly tweaking and tinkering. For the past few months, it has finally been alive and kicking! Between University and LIFE generally, the website took a bit of a backseat, but at last, it is running, and I'm excited to share it with you.

My name is Holly Peckitt and I am a writer. There, I said it. I am a writer. It's hard to say those words and have any real belief in them, but it's true: if you want to write, you are a writer! Self-belief is a challenge, especially in such an unpredictable business, but it is the thing that along with the belief of family and friends powers you forward.

For a while, I didn't understand why my website wasn't doing well, and it was because of this little shiny corner. I've been a blogger in the past and I know the power blogging has, both for your career and for your skills as a writer, and it's admittedly something I've neglected for a very long time. Although I'm rusty, my fingers are always itching to type, and I'm so excited to share my writing journey with you.

What do I write? Anything and everything! My ideas aren't contained to one format, and if I have an idea that I believe will fit a certain form I'll run with it, if not then I'll very happily dabble and experiment. Poetry, short stories, articles, plays, you name it and I'll try it! My favourite form of all, and the one I'm working on now is the novel.

Yes, I'm writing a novel. It's been brewing in my head for four years now. Its characters inhabit my waking hours and the settings grow more and more vivid with every day of writing. Due to university assignments and other projects, I was unable to focus on writing this novel for a long time, but I'm now in the privileged position where I can work on it endlessly, and what a joy that is! This is the strongest novel idea I've ever had (there have been plenty of terrible ones, too), and I am so very determined to not only finish this draft but to make it the very best book it can be. Is that exciting? Yes. Is that terrifying? Also yes. But in writing, the fear is always worth it.

So if you'd like, please stick with me as I sporadically update this blog on my writing journey from the first draft and beyond. There will also be some other posts in between such as ramblings on books, history, amazing people, travel and culture. My name is Holly, I am a writer, and I look forward to sharing more of this adventure with you!

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